Monday, April 20, 2015

I want to encourage everyone to come out and see TAODA at the Museum Experience at the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, 4848 Main Street, on Saturday, April 25, 10-5.  See craft demonstrations throughout the day by various artists guilds including TAODA!
If you missed the meeting today, we had some great show and tell, as always:  wonderful pieces in person, plus TAODA dolls in the media,  and TAODA artists winning awards.  For our program, we watched part of a fantastic dvd on costuming (thank you Sally Stevenson!).
There was a lot of great discussion at the TAODA meeting today.  One of the things we talked about is our 2016 show at the Brazosport Art League, and the artists that will show their paintings on the walls and how it will coordinate with our dolls.  There are some really exciting ideas and possibilities with this.  Stay tuned for more info to come from show chairs Sally Stevenson and Joyce Patterson.
Once again TAODA has been invited to participate with an exhibit at the International Quilt Festival in Houston (October 2015).  We decided Block Party III would be our theme (dolls with a quilt block used somewhere in the piece) and Neva Waldt graciously agreed to coordinate the exhibit.  Insurance forms are due in August and we decided that we would ask for the dolls to be due then as well.  This will hopefully encourage everyone to get busy and get their doll finished in plenty of time. 
Don't forget that our elections take place next month, so please plan to attend the meeting to vote and show your support for our new officers.  One position that will need to be filled is that of Historian.  Our long time historian, Annette Money, announced today that she is stepping down from that position.  Annette has done a wonderful job as historian for TAODA for many years and we are all very grateful for the work she has done.  A proposal was made, and unanimously passed to make Annette an honorary lifetime member of TAODA!  Please thank Annette the next time you see her for her years of service.  If you are interested in serving TAODA as historian, please contact me:  or you can call Annette to find out what is involved.
Don't forget to come see us at HCCC April 25, and I'll look forward to seeing you all at the May meeting.
Janet Bodin
